基隆市(Keelung City)

This is the 基隆市(Keelung City) Postcode page list. Its detail is as below.


  • City:
  • City English:
    Keelung City
Which areas are included in 基隆市(Keelung City)?
What is the postal code for each area within 基隆市(Keelung City)?
Here’s the table that contains all the areas in 基隆市(Keelung City) and postal codes corresponding to them.
Area Area English Postcode 3
安樂區 Anle Dist. 204
暖暖區 Nuannuan Dist. 205
七堵區 Qidu Dist. 206
仁愛區 Ren’ai Dist. 200
信義區 Xinyi Dist. 201
中山區 Zhongshan Dist. 203
中正區 Zhongzheng Dist. 202

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