新北市(New Taipei City)

This is the 新北市(New Taipei City) Postcode page list. Its detail is as below.


  • City:
  • City English:
    New Taipei City
Which areas are included in 新北市(New Taipei City)?
What is the postal code for each area within 新北市(New Taipei City)?
Here’s the table that contains all the areas in 新北市(New Taipei City) and postal codes corresponding to them.
Area Area English Postcode 3
八里區 Bali Dist. 249
板橋區 Banqiao Dist. 220
貢寮區 Gongliao Dist. 228
金山區 Jinshan Dist. 208
林口區 Linkou Dist. 244
蘆洲區 Luzhou Dist. 247
坪林區 Pinglin Dist. 232
平溪區 Pingxi Dist. 226
瑞芳區 Ruifang Dist. 224
三重區 Sanchong Dist. 241
三峽區 Sanxia Dist. 237
三芝區 Sanzhi Dist. 252
深坑區 Shenkeng Dist. 222
石碇區 Shiding Dist. 223
石門區 Shimen Dist. 253
雙溪區 Shuangxi Dist. 227
樹林區 Shulin Dist. 238
泰山區 Taishan Dist. 243
淡水區 Tamsui Dist. 251
土城區 Tucheng Dist. 236

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