高雄市(Kaohsiung City)

This is the 高雄市(Kaohsiung City) Postcode page list. Its detail is as below.


  • City:
  • City English:
    Kaohsiung City
Which areas are included in 高雄市(Kaohsiung City)?
What is the postal code for each area within 高雄市(Kaohsiung City)?
Here’s the table that contains all the areas in 高雄市(Kaohsiung City) and postal codes corresponding to them.
Area Area English Postcode 3
阿蓮區 Alian Dist. 822
大寮區 Daliao Dist. 831
大社區 Dashe Dist. 815
大樹區 Dashu Dist. 840
鳳山區 Fengshan Dist. 830
岡山區 Gangshan Dist. 820
鼓山區 Gushan Dist. 804
湖內區 Hunei Dist. 829
甲仙區 Jiaxian Dist. 847
苓雅區 Lingya Dist. 802
林園區 Linyuan Dist. 832
六龜區 Liugui Dist. 844
路竹區 Luzhu Dist. 821
茂林區 Maolin Dist. 851
美濃區 Meinong Dist. 843
彌陀區 Mituo Dist. 827
那瑪夏區 Namaxia Dist. 849
楠梓區 Nanzi Dist. 811
內門區 Neimen Dist. 845
鳥松區 Niaosong Dist. 833

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