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Postcode3+2: 23156

Taiwan postcode will be upgraded to 6 digits in March 2020, adopting the 3 + 3 format. This is the Postcode 23156 page list. Its detail City,Area,Road is as below.


  • City: 新北市
  • City English: New Taipei City
  • Area: 新店區
  • Area English: Xindian Dist.
  • Postcode3: 231
  • Which addresses are contained in 23156?
    What postal code does Xindian Dist.(新店區) correspond to?
Postcode3+2 Road Scope
23156 吉祥街
23156 如意街
23156 安康路3段 單全
23156 安康路3段 雙 458號以下
23156 安豐路
23156 和成街
23156 玫瑰路
23156 富貴街
23156 裕合街
23156 僑仁路
23156 僑信路
23156 僑愛一路
23156 僑愛七路
23156 僑愛九路
23156 僑愛二路
23156 僑愛三路
23156 僑愛五路
23156 僑愛六路
23156 僑愛四路
23156 僑義路
23156 雙城路

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