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Postcode3+2: 98147

Taiwan postcode will be upgraded to 6 digits in March 2020, adopting the 3 + 3 format. This is the Postcode 98147 page list. Its detail City,Area,Road is as below.


  • City: 花蓮縣
  • City English: Hualien County
  • Area: 玉里鎮
  • Area English: Yuli Township
  • Postcode3: 981
  • Which addresses are contained in 98147?
    What postal code does Yuli Township(玉里鎮) correspond to?
Postcode3+2 Road Scope
98147 中華路 單 273號以上
98147 中華路 雙 286號以上
98147 文昌街
98147 台鳳街
98147 安通
98147 自強三街
98147 自強五街
98147 自強六街
98147 自強四街
98147 自強街
98147 南通
98147 集賢街
98147 新昌一街
98147 溫泉
98147 福崗
98147 樂合
98147 興國路1段
98147 蕉山

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