嘉義縣(Chiayi County)

This is the 嘉義縣(Chiayi County) Postcode page list. Its detail is as below.


  • City:
  • City English:
    Chiayi County
Which areas are included in 嘉義縣(Chiayi County)?
What is the postal code for each area within 嘉義縣(Chiayi County)?
Here’s the table that contains all the areas in 嘉義縣(Chiayi County) and postal codes corresponding to them.
Area Area English Postcode 3
阿里山鄉 Alishan Township 605
布袋鎮 Budai Township 625
大林鎮 Dalin Township 622
大埔鄉 Dapu Township 607
東石鄉 Dongshi Township 614
番路鄉 Fanlu Township 602
六腳鄉 Liujiao Township 615
鹿草鄉 Lucao Township 611
梅山鄉 Meishan Township 603
民雄鄉 Minxiong Township 621
朴子市 Puzi City 613
水上鄉 Shuishang Township 608
太保市 Taibao City 612
溪口鄉 Xikou Township 623
新港鄉 Xingang Township 616
義竹鄉 Yizhu Township 624
中埔鄉 Zhongpu Township 606
竹崎鄉 Zhuqi Township 604

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