臺東縣(Taitung County)

This is the 臺東縣(Taitung County) Postcode page list. Its detail is as below.


  • City:
  • City English:
    Taitung County
Which areas are included in 臺東縣(Taitung County)?
What is the postal code for each area within 臺東縣(Taitung County)?
Here’s the table that contains all the areas in 臺東縣(Taitung County) and postal codes corresponding to them.
Area Area English Postcode 3
卑南鄉 Beinan Township 954
長濱鄉 Changbin Township 962
成功鎮 Chenggong Township 961
池上鄉 Chishang Township 958
達仁鄉 Daren Township 966
大武鄉 Dawu Township 965
東河鄉 Donghe Township 959
關山鎮 Guanshan Township 956
海端鄉 Haiduan Township 957
金峰鄉 Jinfeng Township 964
蘭嶼鄉 Lanyu Township 952
綠島鄉 Ludao Township 951
鹿野鄉 Luye Township 955
太麻里鄉 Taimali Township 963
臺東市 Taitung City 950
延平鄉 Yanping Township 953

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