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Postcode3: 957
This is the Postcode3: 957 page list. Its detail City,Area,Road,Postcode3+2,Postcode3+3 is as below.
Note : 3+3 means the latest postal code in Taiwan. 3+2 is the old postal code. It takes a certain period of time to replace the old and new postal codes.
Postcode3 3 | Address | Postcode3 2 |
957002 | 臺東縣海端鄉中福(全) | 95744 |
957002 | 臺東縣海端鄉加南(全) | 95744 |
957002 | 臺東縣海端鄉加和(全) | 95744 |
957002 | 臺東縣海端鄉加平(全) | 95744 |
957002 | 臺東縣海端鄉加樂(全) | 95744 |
957002 | 臺東縣海端鄉崁頂(全) | 95744 |
957002 | 臺東縣海端鄉規那(連 30號以下) | |
957003 | 臺東縣海端鄉中石(全) | 95745 |
957005 | 臺東縣海端鄉下馬(全) | 95742 |
957005 | 臺東縣海端鄉初來(全) | 95741 |
957005 | 臺東縣海端鄉向陽(全) | 95742 |
957005 | 臺東縣海端鄉啞口(全) | 95742 |
957005 | 臺東縣海端鄉天龍橋(全) | 95742 |
957005 | 臺東縣海端鄉山平(全) | 95741 |
957005 | 臺東縣海端鄉山界(全) | 95741 |
957005 | 臺東縣海端鄉摩天(全) | 95742 |
957005 | 臺東縣海端鄉文化(全) | 95742 |
957005 | 臺東縣海端鄉新武呂(全) | 95742 |
957005 | 臺東縣海端鄉栗園(全) | 95742 |
957005 | 臺東縣海端鄉瀧下(全) | 95741 |
957005 | 臺東縣海端鄉規那(連 31號以上) | |
957005 | 臺東縣海端鄉霧鹿(全) | 95742 |
957102 | 臺東縣海端鄉大埔(全) | 95791 |
957102 | 臺東縣海端鄉錦屏(全) | 95793 |
957102 | 臺東縣海端鄉龍泉(全) | 95792 |
957301 | 臺東縣海端鄉大埔1號 | |
957302 | 臺東縣海端鄉錦屏1號 |