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Postcode3+2: 27042

Taiwan postcode will be upgraded to 6 digits in March 2020, adopting the 3 + 3 format. This is the Postcode 27042 page list. Its detail City,Area,Road is as below.


  • City: 宜蘭縣
  • City English: Yilan County
  • Area: 蘇澳鎮
  • Area English: Su’ao Township
  • Postcode3: 270
  • Which addresses are contained in 27042?
    What postal code does Su’ao Township(蘇澳鎮) correspond to?

Postcode3+2 Road Scope
27042 七星嶺
27042 力行街
27042 天主巷
27042 文化巷
27042 水道巷
27042 四維巷
27042 民生路
27042 江夏路
27042 南安路
27042 海邊路
27042 砲台山
27042 港區
27042 陽明巷
27042 新化巷
27042 漁港路
27042 蘇南公路 連 11號以下
27042 蘇峰路

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