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Postcode3+2: 84551

Taiwan postcode will be upgraded to 6 digits in March 2020, adopting the 3 + 3 format. This is the Postcode 84551 page list. Its detail City,Area,Road is as below.


  • City: 高雄市
  • City English: Kaohsiung City
  • Area: 內門區
  • Area English: Neimen Dist.
  • Postcode3: 845
  • Which addresses are contained in 84551?
    What postal code does Neimen Dist.(內門區) correspond to?
Postcode3+2 Road Scope
84551 大草埔
84551 內分子
84551 牛稠崙
84551 石車
84551 東勢埔
84551 金交椅
84551 南屏路
84551 苦苓埔
84551 烏山坑
84551 望寮
84551 頂厝
84551 菜公坑
84551 隘寮
84551 鴨母寮
84551 龍潭

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