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Postcode3+2: 84552

Taiwan postcode will be upgraded to 6 digits in March 2020, adopting the 3 + 3 format. This is the Postcode 84552 page list. Its detail City,Area,Road is as below.


  • City: 高雄市
  • City English: Kaohsiung City
  • Area: 內門區
  • Area English: Neimen Dist.
  • Postcode3: 845
  • Which addresses are contained in 84552?
    What postal code does Neimen Dist.(內門區) correspond to?
Postcode3+2 Road Scope
84552 二埔
84552 十三甲
84552 三崁店
84552 土庫
84552 大份田
84552 中新
84552 內門
84552 內埔
84552 內湖
84552 太和
84552 木柵
84552 瓦寮
84552 石內
84552 長寮埔
84552 茅埔
84552 烏西崙
84552 頂寮
84552 復興
84552 墩子腳
84552 學子李
84552 橫山
84552 檨子腳

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