金門縣(Kinmen County)

Dies ist die Seitenliste von 金門縣(Kinmen County) PLZ. Die Details zu sind wie folgt


  • Stadt:
  • City English:
    Kinmen County
Which areas are included in 金門縣(Kinmen County)?
What is the postal code for each area within 金門縣(Kinmen County)?
Here’s the table that contains all the areas in 金門縣(Kinmen County) and postal codes corresponding to them.
Fläche Area English PLZ 3
金城鎮 Jincheng Township 893
金湖鎮 Jinhu Township 891
金寧鄉 Jinning Township 892
金沙鎮 Jinsha Township 890
烈嶼鄉 Lieyu Township 894
烏坵鄉 Wuqiu Township 896

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