臺南市(Tainan City)

This is the 臺南市(Tainan City) Postcode page list. Its detail is as below.


  • City:
  • City English:
    Tainan City
Which areas are included in 臺南市(Tainan City)?
What is the postal code for each area within 臺南市(Tainan City)?
Here’s the table that contains all the areas in 臺南市(Tainan City) and postal codes corresponding to them.
Area Area English Postcode 3
安定區 Anding Dist. 745
安南區 Annan Dist. 709
安平區 Anping Dist. 708
白河區 Baihe Dist. 732
北門區 Beimen Dist. 727
大內區 Danei Dist. 742
東山區 Dongshan Dist. 733
東區 East Dist. 701
關廟區 Guanmiao Dist. 718
官田區 Guantian Dist. 720
歸仁區 Guiren Dist. 711
後壁區 Houbi Dist. 731
佳里區 Jiali Dist. 722
將軍區 Jiangjun Dist. 725
六甲區 Liujia Dist. 734
柳營區 Liuying Dist. 736
龍崎區 Longqi Dist. 719
麻豆區 Madou Dist. 721
南化區 Nanhua Dist. 716
楠西區 Nanxi Dist. 715

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